
Slogging through quicksand

The ground was solid beneath your feet – until it wasn’t.

Suddenly, you’re sinking. Paralyzed. Smothered. Frustrated. Frightened.

Moving through painful times can feel like trying to escape quicksand.

As someone who has been through the sludge before, I can walk alongside you, to keep you from sinking.

Meeting you where you are

I’m flexible and open and always meet you where you are – whether you’re just beginning to slip or feeling neck deep.

Some parts of the journey take longer than others. That feels discouraging. But I’m here to assure you that we can make it through – together.

And on the other side, you’ll have a backpack full of tools to help get you through the next time that life causes the ground to give way.

A safe haven

I work always to create a cozy, comfortable, safe haven – where you can feel free to talk about those challenging things.

I started my career as a reporter. That job, too, was all about listening and helping people tell their stories.

I decided to become a counselor when I noticed that so many people experiencing tragic and traumatic moments called me back days after their story ran just to update me – or to talk through everything else that was happening. I loved those moments and felt I could do more to help.

Find your footing on firmer ground.

Whatever you’re going through, you don’t have to face it alone.

Reach out – let me give you a hand – and hope. You can make it to the other side.

About me

Currently, I practice EMDR and talk therapy.

I’m working on training an adorable puppy, Jazz, to be a therapy dog to help clients with animal-assisted therapy also. (He doesn’t come to work yet! He’s still learning!)

In addition to seeing clients in my office, I work via telehealth with many clients via video, phone, or text.

I have a Master’s in Counseling and am a Certified EMDR therapist. Counseling is so much more than plaques on a wall, though.

Give me a call, and let’s connect to help you get one step closer to a life that you love.
(806) 316-5131