Insomnia Support

Sometimes, you just want to scream.

So exhausted. So frustrated. Tired – and tired of it.

Every night, it’s the same thing: tossing and turning in bed. Staring at the clock as it turns over minute by minute. Hour by hour.

Tension tightening and shooting pains through your neck. Sheer exhaustion pounding away at your head. The torture of feeling bone-tired from head to toe – but not sleepy.

And nothing works.

You passed counting sheep a long time ago. You tried herbal remedies and over-the-counter and prescription meds.

And here you are. The longer you go without sleep, the worse it gets. It seems like there’s no way out.

But there’s hope. There’s help!

You might be shocked to learn that there is a therapy developed specifically for insomnia. It might sound counter-intuitive, even.

But the studies on Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) for Insomnia show that it is more effective than any drug on the market and helps people sleep deeper – because many medications actually rob you of the stage of sleep where true restoration occurs.

I have been there, and I know the frustration. But CBT works! You might have even heard some of the suggestions in the program, but when you put everything together, the difference is huge!

Are you ready?

Some conditions are strictly related to physical condition.In the first session, I’ll screen you for things like that. We want to make sure that CBT is an appropriate therapy for you.

If so, we’ll get started right away with your six-part program!

Even if it’s not, I can make excellent referrals for you.

Refreshed. Revitalized. Rejuvenated.

Give me a call at (806) 316-5131. Let’s get you on the path to the fourth R: RESTORED.