Therapy for Adolescents

Your sweet kid has changed.

Sullen – snippy – she isn’t sharing what is going on.

And you’re hearing rumors or seeing evidence of self-harm.

The things you wanted most for her – a great childhood and a great relationship through her teen years – feel completely out of reach.

There’s too much pressure.

Her friends are getting in trouble for sharing risqué photos on social media, and it feels like she’s both younger and older than she needs to be.

The pressure of school, the cruelty of other students, the anxiety about future prospects, relationships and her own self-image. You fear it will crush not only her, but also you and your whole family.

But how do you get through?

Teenagers are under unprecedented pressure. As parents, it’s hard to break through those walls and through the veil of those eye rolls that they do so well.

Sometimes, the kiddo you remember so well peeks through – and yet – you worry that you aren’t getting the whole story.

And when evidence of self-harm, drugs, alcohol, or bullying shows up, it can be as heartbreaking as anything that has happened to you.

It seems hopeless, but it’s not. You can still reach your child.

I can help. I’ve worked with teens since the beginning of my career – on trauma they’ve experienced, whether it’s past abuse, sexual trauma, bullying, or loss of a loved one. I also work with them on the skills necessary to survive the crazy world out there in 2020.

They’re often both the most vulnerable and the toughest people we’ll know in our lives.

So, it’s especially important to make sure that the counselor is the right fit for your teen because their trust is so fragile and carefully given.

I’d love to “audition” for the spot.

Get back to your teen – and get your teen back.

Your sweet kid is still in there. It’s not too late to get the help she needs.

Reach out to me (806) 316-5131. Let’s talk and get your teen on the path to confidence and peace.